Wedding Planner

Laure et Mathilde

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus eu felis in tortor auctor aliquam. Sed et accumsan magna, eu lobortis turpis. Sed lorem magna

Nulla imperdiet gravida justo in scelerisque. Sed sed luctus elit, id euismod leo. Morbi pharetra ultricies enim in dapibus. Maecenas elementum, quam eu malesuada venenatis, lacus quam pharetra arcu, at feugiat magna nisl tincidunt nisi. Donec ac laoreet sapien, in cursus arcu. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Maecenas lacinia turpis sed augue cursus volutpat. Maecenas faucibus, nunc id vulputate facilisis, dolor lorem tincidunt metus, vel pharetra urna lectus in mi. Donec fermentum commodo fringilla. Pellentesque finibus diam varius egestas blandit.

Quisque iaculis ligula eu neque volutpat fringilla. Phasellus bibendum blandit mi a dapibus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc ac lobortis felis, at aliquam est. Maecenas eu est nisi. Maecenas eget faucibus risus. Fusce eleifend mi sit amet efficitur scelerisque. Mauris posuere nunc eu ligula condimentum, sed gravida turpis fringilla. Vivamus tempus, eros id efficitur malesuada, lectus mi rutrum augue, nec semper leo elit eu nunc.

Laure and her team did an exceptional job at our wedding (August 2021) there was not a single hitch, everything was perfect.  It was truly a joy to have nothing to do on the big day, and also to spend time with our witnesses, parents and family non-stop because, they had no work to do either ! Their presence was reassuring and soothing during stressful moments.

Laure worked with our florist, and what a team they made together, our flower arrangements were absolutely magnificent, and WE HAVE NO WORDS to describe the harmonious result when the flowers were included everywhere in the decoration!!

A lot of our guests told us that ours was the most beautiful wedding they had been to. And it’s certain that the decoration and orchestration all day long led to their positive opinions.

So, once again, thank you, thank you, THANK YOU Laure !

Lina & Florian

Best Wedding Designer Loire Valley
Castle Loire Valley

Sip cocktails surrounded by your loved ones on the terrace of the castle completely privatized just for you
A truly stylish French experience
You deserve the best for your wedding, and so do your guests

French Wedding Champagne

Share a glass of champagne or local sparkling wine while you get prepared.

You can relax knowing that our team is taking care of everything!

French macaroon

Indulge in a delicious macaroon prepared by an authentic French pastry chef